
There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller


There was a young lady named Bright,
whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day,
in a relative way,
and returned the previous night!

Reginald Buller

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Tachyon è una società attiva in operazioni di finanza straordinaria che affonda le proprie radici nell’esperienza professionale di Alberto Argnani (CV) e di Giuseppe Campanella (CV).

Dall’inizio degli anni 2000, Alberto e Giuseppe hanno lavorato alla costruzione e allo sviluppo di una realtà leader nel settore degli investimenti alternativi: Fondamenta SGR.

Nel 2013, quando la società è stata venduta, Fondamenta SGR aveva in gestione circa 900 milioni di euro di capitali istituzionali, organizzati in 11 fondi chiusi, la cui attività d’investimento spaziava dal private equity ai NPL, dal venture capital all’immobiliare, dalla microfinanza alle energie rinnovabili.

Negli ultimi dodici anni, abbiamo raccolto sul mercato circa un miliardo di euro, lanciato 15 fondi chiusi tra i più innovativi per il mercato italiano, valutato più di cento progetti di fondi di private equity, con il nostro team di venture capital abbiamo esaminato oltre 500 progetti di start up tecnologiche, realizzato oltre 500 milioni di euro di investimenti immobiliari, investito in oltre 50 MW di progetti eolici e 30 MW di progetti fotovoltaici, promosso la creazione di 60 società, partecipato a 50 consigli di amministrazione di società industriali e di servizi, siamo stati membri di 7 Advisory Board di primari fondi di private equity italiani, abbiamo co-investito in 25 società con 10 diversi team di private equity.

Oggi, Tachyon mette queste esperienze a disposizione dei propri clienti.
